A movie goer attends cinemas so that they can experience the thrill of the movies. Therefore, I hold the same sentiments as the callers who were registering their displeasure at Rose Medical Center’s decision to advertise their services in the middle of a movie. As a matter of fact, the environment within which the advertisement was done was not right as the target audience would not get the import of the message. A consumer would construe such advertisements as ruinous to their enjoyment as they would then be compelled to cogitate about their health and not enjoy the movie. In fact, the audiences in cinemas may not be appreciative of health care advertisements as most of them indulge in excesses of processed foods. At an individual level, my feeling is that such advertisements will make them feel guilty of buying a candy or gobbling a soda, which will negatively impact the cinema sales. Therefore, much as the intention of Rose Medical Center may have been good, the targeted audience was not appropriate and much so the timing of the advertisement.
Several reasons exist to support Mathews’ decision to pull the advertisements from the cinema. The advertisements had been running for only two days yet the amount of negative feedbacks they had received was overwhelming. Thus, letting the advertisements to continue running would have ruined the medical facility’s reputation even further. Such a threat was real since the present patrons were threatening to shift their allegiances to a different health care facility (Fortenberry, 2011). Thus, the decision to pull out the advertisements demonstrated to the patients that the facility had their best interests at heart and that their feedback will always matter. Nevertheless, neglecting to listen to them would have affected the hospital negatively.
The issue with the advertisements was that they showed consistently in all the movie irrespective of the audiences. However, Mathew needed to ensure selectivity even as the hospital advertised itself. As such, the advertisements would have shown dependent upon the movie as well as the audience that such movies attracted. Movie goers tend to be young and as such, health care issues do not rank highly to them. Having said that, Mathew should have elected to show specific advertisements when specific movies were playing and these movies had to have a resonant message (Nandakumar, Sivakumaran, Kalro, & Sharma, 2017). Further, Mathew should have laced the messaging with hilarity and also used one of the movie stars to make the advertisements. By doing so, the movie goers would have easily identified with the advertisements and remembered them during their times of need.
For all intents and purposes, the package was inappropriate just as was showing the advertisements during the movies. Commercial advertisements appear to have effectiveness when they resonate with the theme of a movie. Whereas not all movie showings contradict health care messaging, those that do may produce a negative impact on a facility’s image. Thus, the acceptance of such a package exposed the health care entity to potential blowback as relates to patronage. As a matter of fact, such packages can produce counterproductive impacts on not only the image but the entire patient satisfaction as they will be having preconceived ideas regarding it when they want to seek for help (Nandakumar, Sivakumaran, Kalro, & Sharma, 2017). For these reasons, such a package should not have been countenanced by the facility. However, had all the movie showings been associated to health care matters, then then package would have been acceptable.
The fundamental lessons obtained from the case study entail marketing intelligence and strategic planning (Clark, 2016). It has been shown clearly that it is important to first of all identify a target audience before formulating a marketing message. After the identification process, it then becomes imperative for entities to advertise in appropriate areas and using methodologies that can attract such audiences. For instance, an organization may want to target elders since they may receive Medicare payments. In order to make an effective advertisement move, an entity must first determine what m